Saturday, January 2, 2016

Better days from better ways ….

Today is the 2nd day of the year. After almost two days of fervor of New Year wishing, emails, chats, sweets and sporadic noise of firecrackers, the air seems to have calmed down to catch up with the mundane world. Life trudges along with a small change of a new page on the calendar.

Anything new brings in hope, a desire to have better days - days to be filled in with health, wealth and prosperity. Optimism is sparked within the heart to start afresh, washing away any gloom of the past. Resolutions are thus made and slowly forgotten in the drudgery of the days as they progress with their own ups and downs, wins and losses, victories and defeats.

The vision of the beautiful promise that future holds onto comes from within. And it comes with a desire to exfoliate the ways of living, pruning and plucking the ways of thinking, learning new ways to live and not survive; thus paving the path for better ways to have better days that we desire.

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