Tuesday, November 17, 2015

You are as good as your Team…..

The game of basketball is a great sport with some fabulous quotes. The famous one that goes around the management and leadership circles is this one from Dominique Wilkins – “You are as good as your team”.

How true - you quite depend upon your core team for giving shape to the business mission and vision, for achieving the business goals that you set out, for sweating it out to win over the challenges as a team. That makes the task of selecting, hiring and inducting the team quite an onerous one for you compared to all other responsibilities. One gets a spear of fear that stabs quite painfully, when a core team member shows disinterest in numbers or more so, lacks natural willingness expected from any team member, to chase the numbers. And one needs to correct  it quickly as the same individual may not be the right one to be part of your team, who can be depended upon sharing your responsibility. If not, this may proliferate to be a blunder that may cost the vision, the aspiration and the dream in building your business.

As Phil Jackson said “ The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.

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